Chartered Institute Of Logistics And Transport
- EXIM ACADEMY is the only Institute in Tamil Nadu offering an International Diploma course in Logistics and Transport, where the diploma is offered via UK’s Top Educational and development Institute “Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport”.
- CILT was granted Royal Charter by King George V with himself as the Patron and the Prince of Wales as the Honorary President.

Tamil Nadu Open University
- During 2014, Tamil Nadu Open University has recognized the EXIM’s EXPORT MARKETING program (Home grown course), and affiliated the course and the associated books & materials as part of its Management course offerings as on JUNE 2015.

STED Council
- STED COUNCIL is a national development authority Registered NGO under Government Of NCT Delhi, who has recognized our Academic presence & programs who jointly certifies our Diploma and advance diploma programs which gives a PAN India recognition for our students.

Logistics Sector Skill Council
- Exim Academy is affiliated to “Logistics Sector Skill Council” (LSC) under “Skill India” vide offer letter dated 18th July 2018.
- Logistics Sector Skill Council, (LSC) a society registered under the Societies Registration act, 1860 is a not for profit organization set up by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) though National Skill Development Corporation of India (NSDC) and promoted by Confederation of Indian Industries Institute of Logistics (CII-IL) a Centre of Excellence in Logistics with the aim to develop skill trained as well as up-skill the workforce in India.

- Exim Academy have signed MOU with Safexpress on 07-06-2018
- Exim Academy have signed MOU with Pondy Oxides & Chemicals Ltd on 03-10-2018